Anoushé Husain’s single-handed ascent of 374 meters demonstrates that “the unbelievable is still feasible.”

“I was just a climber,” UK competitive athlete Anoushé Husain says regarding the first time she tried climbing. Born missing one of her lower arms below the elbow, on the climbing wall Anoushé forgot her illness, her chronic pain. In …

A young barn owl having fun running.

Hannie Heere, 64, caught a small barn owl learning to fly in the Netherlands. In the image, which was shared online, the girl appears to be running at full speed. Miss Heere explained that the young owl was actually…

Amazing Island Nature: Trinidad’s spectacular scarlet ibis

You've heard of flamingos, right? Those leggy pink dudes who love to stand on one foot? Now, get ready for their show-stealing cousins: the scarlet ibises. Fly with me through this vibrant…

Stairway to heaven at Tianmen Mountain is really beautiful

Among the most unique experiences China offers, the Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park stands out. The mountain is more than 1500 meters tall and visitors often call it the most beautiful mountain in the world. It is also home to a cave entrance which …

The startling truth about the rarest albino crocodile in the world

Crocodiles are considered "modern dinosaurs" that have been around for hundreds of millions of years. Anyone who admires crocodiles is both afraid and curious. You can come across many species of crocodiles…

These Super Cute And Fluffy Chickens.

Fluffy chickens are a charming and charming breed that can add a touch of whimsy to any garden or farmhouse. These chickens are known for their fluffy feathers and soft, cuddly appearance, making them…

The magnificent redwoods in this ancient, enchanted grove in California are shaped like candelabras.

A мystical place in California called Shady Dell harƄors a redwood groʋe that defies Ƅelief. Iмage credit: м>Mike Shoys The breathtaking Lost Coast of California is proƄaƄly one of the мost pristine natural coast lines you can find …

Amazing Nature’s Work of Art Unveiled: Amazing Photos of a Giant Cliff Collapse

In a mesmerizing display of raw power and beauty, nature recently showed its impressive art with a colossal landslide. The stunning footage captured during this event has left viewers…

A bold and entertaining heteromorphic bird with super-black plumage is the black sicklebill.

Lophorina niedda, commonly known as the Ƅlack sickle, is a third species native to Papua New Guinea. It is a member of the Paradisaeidae family, which is known for its beautiful and often elaborate plumage. The Ƅlack sickle is not…

The Mysterious Red Water Lake: Exploring the Earth’s Hidden Heart, a Bewitching Enigma

Deep in the Tengeger desert, lies a "beating heart of the Earth." Why do people say that? What is the truth about this heart? Deep in the Tengger desert, there is a hidden "Heart of the Earth". …